Candidatura lui Crin Antonescu pentru funcţia de preşedinte al României urmează să fie validată oficial de conducerea Partidului Naţional Liberal (PNL) în cadrul unei şedinţe programate pentru 26 ianuarie. Anunţul a fost făcut de Ilie Bolojan, preşedintele PNL, care a precizat că decizia convocării forului statutar a fost adoptată cu unanimitate de voturi în cadrul Biroului Executiv al partidului.
The main conceptual idea of the text is the official endorsement of Crin Antonescu as the presidential candidate of the National Liberal Party (PNL) on January 26th.
Ilie Bolojan, the president of PNL, proclaims this decision was unanimous within the party's executive board and emphasizes the party's commitment to the coalition agreement that designates Antonescu as the joint candidate. Bolojan also highlights the party's confidence in Antonescu's qualifications and experience, assuring the public they will actively campaign to secure his victory in the presidential elections.
The main conceptual idea of the text is the official endorsement of Crin Antonescu as the presidential candidate of the National Liberal Party (PNL) on January 26th. Ilie Bolojan, the president of PNL, proclaims this decision was unanimous within the party's executive board and emphasizes the party's commitment to the coalition agreement that designates Antonescu as the joint candidate. Bolojan also highlights the party's confidence in Antonescu's qualifications and experience, assuring the public they will actively campaign to secure his victory in the presidential elections.